State of Harmony

Liability Waiver and Agreement for Participating in Clinical Exercises/Pilates Classes

NB: This is a legal document that affects your rights – please read carefully.


The term "trainer/therapist" refers to the Australian registered business, State of Harmony. The term "activity" refers to participation in Pilates 1:1 sessions, group classes, fitness and conditioning training, general advice, and related services provided by State of Harmony.

Before commencing any exercise or making changes to your nutritional intake, it is important to consult with your doctor and follow their recommendations. All programs and activities are undertaken at your own risk. It is essential to make responsible decisions for your health and well-being. If you experience any pain or discomfort during exercise, you must alert the instructor or health professional immediately.

Acknowledgements and Agreement

I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in this activity that I do so entirely at my own risk. I declare that I am over 18 years of age and understand that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in the classes and activities offered by State of Harmony.

I release and indemnify State of Harmony, its trainers, therapists, instructors, teachers, agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, property owners, property, and any associated individuals or locations from all liability (including negligence), claims, demands, and proceedings arising from my participation. This release and indemnity binds my heirs, successors, executors, personal representatives, and assigns indefinitely.

State of Harmony shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential injury, illness, loss, or damage, including but not limited to aggravation of pre-existing medical conditions, adverse effects resulting from strenuous exercise or overexertion, equipment failure, or accidents involving equipment or surroundings. State of Harmony is not responsible for lost or stolen items, or for damage to property or vehicles.

I acknowledge that the training program may involve strenuous physical activity. I understand that I am not obliged to perform or participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and I may refuse participation at any time. I have been informed of the possible risks involved in physical exercise and understand the potential demanding nature of the training.

I agree to inform State of Harmony instructors of any known and relevant medical conditions or factors before participating. If I feel faint, dizzy, or experience any physical discomfort during a session, I will stop immediately, notify the instructor, and consult a medical professional.

I acknowledge that participation in this activity may involve risks of serious injury or even death due to causes such as overexertion, dehydration, equipment failure, and accidents involving equipment or surroundings.

I confirm that I am physically fit to participate safely in the activity and that no qualified medical practitioner has advised me otherwise. I am not aware of any medical condition, injury, or impairment that would be detrimental to my health if I participate. I declare that I have informed State of Harmony instructors of any injury, back, neck, or joint pain, restricted movement, heart issues, asthma, high or low blood pressure, arthritis, slipped or bulging vertebral disks, pelvic floor conditions, dizziness, diabetes, epilepsy, hernia, bone degeneration, high cholesterol, allergies, or chronic illnesses. I also confirm that I have disclosed if I am pregnant, have given birth in the last 12 months, or have undergone surgery in the last 12 months.

If I become aware of any medical condition, injury, or impairment that may affect my health during participation, I will immediately inform State of Harmony

I understand that all instructions are intended as guidance, and I assume responsibility for practicing within my personal limits. I have read and understood this waiver, including its contents and associated risks.


Your comfort and well-being are our top priority. If you have any concerns about whether pilates is right for you, feel free to reach out for guidance.

I have completed my medical history details to the best of my ability and accept the risks associated with the activities provided by State of Harmony. I give my informed consent to participate in Pilates classes, and related activities and understand that I may request further information at any time.

I confirm on booking a Clinical Exercise / Pilates class that I have read and agree to the above liability waiver and agreement.